【六安教师考编】招聘考试小学英语教学设计:《What does she do? 》
时间:2019-06-25 作者:师出教育 点击:

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Amy: Who’s she?

Wu: She’s my aunt.

Amy: Wow! She’s really beautiful. What does she do?

Wu: She’s an actress on TV.

Amy: Who’s he?

Wu: He is my uncle.

Amy: What does he do?

Wu: He is a writer. He writes t

Wu: Sometimes my aunt wor he TV show for my aunt.

Amy: How exciting! ks here in Beijing, but sometimes she works in Hong Kong.

Amy: How does she go to Hong Kong?

Wu: She goes to Hong Kong by plane.



1. 能够听、说、认读Let’s read部分的对话,完成相应的活动。

2. 能够运用所学语言完成Let’s find out活动。


1. 本课重点是巩固句型:What does…do? He/ She is a/ an…

2. 本课难点是理解、认读句型“How exciting!”和“How does she go to Hong Kong? She goes to Hong Kong by plane.” 其中,第二个句型是为B部分内容的铺垫,建议课上适当操练。


1. 教师准备录音机及录音磁带。

2. 教师准备本节课相应的CAI课件。

3. 教师和学生共同准备关于各种职业的头饰和道具,例如白大褂、警察帽等。

4. 教师和学生共同准备一些名人的图片以及家庭成员的照片。


Step 1 Warm-up(智慧开课)

(1) Free talk.

T: I’m your new teacher. I’m Miss Du. What’s your name?

S1: I’m ….

(2) Say a chant.(师自编,从慢到快的速度,三遍。)

Farmer, farmer, dig, dig, dig.

Driver, driver, drive, drive, drive.

Writer, writer, write, write, write.

Singer, singer, sing, sing, sing.

Artist, artist, draw, draw, draw.

Actor, actor, act, act, act.

(3) Chant结束后,师自然地导出评价。

T:Everyone did a good job. You know, Christmas Day will come, so Miss Du will give you four beautiful Christmas trees for each group.(师边说边将评价粘贴于黑板上)If you are good, you can get a present on your tree.

Step 2 Preview(目标导入)

1. CAI:课件依次呈现周杰伦、郑爽、成龙、鲁迅和李咏的图片。

T: Who’s he/she?

S: He/ She is XXX.

T: What does he/she do?

S: He/ She is a/an ….


2. 师随意走到一个学生面前,指着他的家庭成员照片或明星照片问。

T:Who’s he/she? What does he/she do?

S1: He/ She is xx. He/ She is a/an ….

(生反过来问老师以上两个问题,进行相互对话交流,为接下来的Pair work操练做铺垫。)

3. Do Pair work.

T: OK, now, this time, take out your photos or pictures, two students do pair work.

4. Play a game(“木头人”游戏)

Step 3 Presentation(扎实新授)

1. 在刚才的Pair work结束的最后一组操练后,教师接着问其中的一名学生。

T:I work in a school. I work in Yichang. Do you know, where does Chou Jielun work?


2. CAI. T: Sometimes Chou Jielun works in Beijing. but sometimes he works in Hong Kong. Can you guess, how does he go to Beijing? And how does he go to Hong Kong? (生自由回答)

3. CAI. (课件呈现一张学生们熟悉的一位老师的照片)

T: Who’s he/she?

S1: He/ She is xx.

T: Where does he/she work?

S2: He/ She works in ….

T: How does he/she go to work?

S3: He/ She goes to work ….

4. T:I have two friends. They are Amy and Wu Yifan. Do you want to know what does Wu Yifan’s aunt do? What does Wu Yifan’s uncle do? How does Wu Yifan’s aunt go to Hong Kong?

T: Now, let’s listen and watch.


5. Do exercises.(看完课文视频后,教师带领学生一起做课后填空练习,目的是为了让学生对对话内容有一个大体的了解。)

Step 4 Practice(互动操练)

1. Listen and repeat.

2. 师带读对话,生跟读。

3. Do pair work, two students read the dialogue and act it out .

4. T: Boys and girls, you are very good, now, I’m a boss, and I’m in Shanghai, there are many jobs for you, I need some people. OK, who want to come to my company? (教师拿出已经准备好的警察帽、话筒、锄头等道具,让六名学生分别扮演policeman, singer, actress, TV reporter, farmer, actor,为2010年上海世博会招聘志愿者。)

(此游戏的设计目的是为了让学生在真实情境中操练重点句型Who’s he/she? What does he/she do?)

Step 5 Consolidation&Extension(巩固拓展)

1. T: Class, close your eyes.(师快速点击下一张课件,继续说。)

T:Now, 20 years later, it’s 2029, maybe xx is a policeman, xx is an actress. I’m still a teacher, what about you? What’s your dream? What are you going to be?

S1: I am going to be a/an….

S2: I am going to be a/an….

2. Do group work.

T: Four students do group work, discuss what are you going to be? Please write it down and act it out.

3. 汇报展示。


Unit 5 What does she do?

A. Let’s read

-What does she do?

-She’s an actress on TV.

-What does he do?

-He is a writer.



本课首先通过FREE TALK ,用对话作为铺垫,引入背景有关的问题。接着利用图片、多媒体、照片呈现情景,导入课文的重点,多面手用视、听、说抓住关键词进行分段梳理即总——分——总并让学生带着问题听对话。老师设计操练的过程有层次、有梯度,且形式丰富如同学们在操练时有学生自主提问,学生小组互相提问等。对话的拓展训练更是对话教学得重要组成部分,它是对对话知识运用的提炼和升华。我在进行课堂设计了 “生活化”的拓展即畅想自己的未来,将学生学习的对话融于一定的情境中,加深了学生对语言的理解,帮助学生在语言与表达对象之间建立起联系,从而调动学习积极性,使学生更自觉、更有趣地进行英语交际活动。这样得学习过程才能真正体现出对话教学的目的,学生才能真正的理解对话、运用对话



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