安徽教师招考网相关[六安师出] 信息“【六安教师考编】招聘考试小学英语教学设计:《 twenty-one》”由师出教育发布 ,请多关注微信好友:18110934621。
一、 知识与技能目标
2. I’ve got twenty-two points.
Twenty and one is twenty-one.
三、 文化意识
四、 情感态度
1、 重点:能听,读,说数字21-29。
2、 难点:能听,说,读,理解句子I’ve got twenty-six points.。
Step 1 Warming-up
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
S: Good morning, Miss Zhang.
2.Free talk
T: We have four groups, Sam group, Amy group, Daming group and Lingling group. Today we’ll have a race, the group gets the most points is the winner,(出示单词卡winner) “winner”冠军.“Point”, “Point to the window.” .
T:That’s right. Point “指向”.Its the other meaning is “分”。 (出示单词卡片,正面写着“Point”,反面写着“分”。)Read after me, point.
S: Point.
3. Enjoy a song : 《Ten little Indians》
4. Game: Guess
T: Who can guess what cards I have(出示动物卡片6张). You can say “Have you got…?”
S1: Have you got a monkey?
T: Yes, I have. You can get 2/… points.
(设计意图:用歌曲和游戏Guess进行热身,既调动了学生的气氛,又对数字、动物名称和句型Have you got…?进行了复习。在整堂课中都贯穿一个竞争机制,以加分的形式来评比,在比赛算分的同时又可进行数字的学习和巩固。)
Step 2 Leading in and presentation
1. CAI出示图片——20只小狗
⑴.T: Look at these dogs. How many dogs can you see? Let’s count.
S: One, two…twenty.
T: Right! (增加一只小狗)But now how many dogs ?
20 + 1 = 21
twenty and one is twenty-one
T: It’s a hyphen between twenty and one. Don’t forget it.
⑵.T: (回到20只小狗的图片,再增加两只小狗) Now, how many dogs? Who knows?
S: (Maybe some pupils can answer it.)
20 + 2 = 22
twenty and two is twenty-two (S回答后,T带读整句话。)
2、Practice : Do sums
T:Let’s do sums.(一手拿着数字20的卡片)Twenty and three(另一手拿着数字3的卡片)is twenty-three(将两张卡片靠近).
⑴、 Group work
20+4 20+5 20+6 20+7 20+8 20+9
T: Who can do it like me will get 3 points.
3.Practice: Rush-to-answer 快答环节
T: I’ll show some numbers, please say the numbers quickly and loudly.
T:(将卡片面向Sam group)Sam…
Sam: …(快速读出数字)
(设计意图:将单词one放置于单词twenty的右边,引导学生找出twenty 和twenty-one之间的联系,培养了学生的观察能力,让学生新旧对比识记单词,自主总结规律,也为了让他们体会成功学英语的自信心。快答环节容易操作又有实效性,既巩固了新知识,又适时的调动起课堂气氛。)
Step 3 New lessons
1. T: We usually play cards( 出示热身环节的动物牌),like poker . Weiwei and his friend are playing game with cards. What game are they playing? Let’s listen the text.
⑴. Play the CD-ROM, listen and point
T: Open the book, turn to page 4, listen and point.
⑵. T: Listen again, and think about three questions:
1、His friend has got ________ points.
2、Weiwei has got ________ points.
3、________ is the winner.
⑵. Explain the questions .
T: Who can answer the first question?
S1: His friend has got twenty-two points.
T: Wonderful! (T板书答案)You can get 2 points.
T: The second question?
⑶. Read the text after T.
⑷. Read the text after the CD-ROM.
Step 4 Consolidation
1. Game:Play cards
⑴、Pair work
T: Let’s play cards like Weiwei and his friend. But, how to play? I need someone to help me.╳╳ (学生名), come here.
T: I have some cards , ╳╳ has some cards, then…(用动作示范两副卡片混合在一起),I get 1、2、3、4、5 cards, ╳╳ also gets five cards(动作). If I have two same cards, they’re both mine. OK,now ,start. Have you got a …?(将卡片展示给全班看)
╳╳: Yes, I have.
T: Yeah, it’s mine.(拿过卡片)It’s your turn.
╳╳: Have you got a …? (将卡片展示给全班看)
T: No, I haven’t. (示意╳╳将卡片放在一桌上)
T: I’ve got …points.
╳╳: I’ve got …points.
╳╳/T: I’m the winner.
T: Understand?
S: Yes.
T: OK, let’s start. Go…
T: Every group choose one to have a race.
每组派一个代表进行比赛。Sam组代表与Daming组代表进行比赛,而Amy组代表与Lingling组代表进行比赛。比赛结束后每组代表汇报得到的分数“I’ve got _____points.”,并为该组加上与卡片上相等的分数。
Step 5 Homework
1. Play the cards with your partner after class.
2. Listen and read the text.
3. Copy the words twice:21-29(先画好四线格,示范书写。)
Step 6 Summing up
1. 统计各组最后的得分情况,评出winner。
2. Chant: 《Zoo》
T: After the game, let’s have a rest, listen a chant.